DSC_2466-400x400Terence Campbell, Ph.D., ABPP


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Dr. Campbell completed his doctoral degree in Human Development and Clinical Psychology at the University of Maryland in 1970. He also did post-doctoral training in family psychology and family therapy at the University of Rochester, School of Medicine. Dr. Campbell was a co-founder of the Psychodiagnostic and Family Services Clinic of the Macomb County (Michigan) Circuit Court in 1972.

Dr. Campbell’s publications have appeared in various scientific and professional journals including the American Journal of Forensic Psychology, American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences and the Law, Issues in Child Abuse Accusations, Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, Journal of Systemic Therapies, Michigan Bar Journal, Michigan Lawyers Weekly, and Psychotherapy. His work has also been reprinted in the Norwegian journal, Fokus Pas Familien.

Dr. Campbell’s first book – Beware The Talking Cure: Psychotherapy May Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health – published by Upton Books, an imprint of SIRS Publishing, was released in September of 1994. His second book – Smoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims – was released by Insight Books, a division of Plenum Publishing, in September of 1998. His third book – Cross-Examining Experts in the Behavioral Sciences – (co-authored with D.A. Lorandos, Ph.D., J.D.) – was released by the West Group in September 2001 with annual updates for every year beginning in 2003. Dr. Campbell’s fourth book – Assessing Sex Offenders: Problems and Pitfalls – was published by Charles C. Thomas in July 2004 as part of its American Series in the Behavioral Sciences and Law. His fifth book – Benchbook in the Behavioral Sciences: Psychiatry, Psychology, and Social Work – (co-authored with D.A. Lorandos, Ph.D., J.D.) was released by Carolina Academic Press in April 2005. His sixth book – Assessing Sex Offenders: Problems and Pitfalls-2nd Edition – was published by Charles C. Thomas in November 2007.

Dr. Campbell has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Systemic Therapies. He currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Sexual Offender Civil Commitment: Science and the Law. He is a member of the Scientific and Professional Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation of Philadelphia. He also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Association for Consumer Protection in Mental Health Practices. He has been designated a Fellow of the American Psychological Society in recognition of “a distinguished contribution to psychological science.” He is also board certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. Dr. Campbell has also been listed in Who’s Who in America since the 56th edition in 2002.

Dr. Campbell frequently assists attorneys in matters related to appropriate standards of practice, evidentiary reliability in forensic psychology, eyewitness identifications, coerced confessions, child custody and visitation evaluations, allegations of child sexual abuse, and claims of repressed memories. He has testified as an expert witness in numerous states and the Dominion of Canada.


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